DC machines are those electrical machines that work using direct current. They have applications in areas such as electronics equipment that are powered by battery, industries where specific motor characteristics are necessary, electric vehicles, etc. It would be good to do an academic project in the field of DC machines. The projects about DC motor…

Virtual DC machine: Simulation of a bidirectional DC–DC converter in a DC microgrid
DC microgrids are used in various fields such as Rural electrification, Industrial facilities, Research institutions, Commercial buildings, Islands, etc. In a DC microgrid (DCMG), the DC bus voltage is susceptible to power fluctuations caused by intermittent renewable energy sources and varying local loads. How do we solve this problem without using an electric machine? There…

Top 15 Control System Projects for Engineering Students
Control engineering or control systems engineering is an engineering discipline that deals with control systems, applying control theory to design equipment and systems with desired behaviors in control environments. The discipline of controls overlaps and is usually taught along with electrical engineering and mechanical engineering at many institutions around the world. CONTROL SYSTEM PROJECTS FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Control system opens up opportunities for engineering students to gain…

Railway Track Security System – Final Year Electrical Project
How would you detect a crack in the railway track? We are going to present a railway track security system to be developed as your final-year academic project. In the fast-paced world of modern transportation, railways remain an indispensable mode of travel and freight movement. It is one of the economical and fast modes of…

How To Write a Project Proposal That No One Could Reject?
Today we discuss how to write a project proposal and get instant approval from your head. Since I’m an Electrical Engineer, the post would mainly focus on electrical engineering projects. But the points that we discuss below are relevant to other disciplines as well. Electrical engineering departments, in general, accept only core electrical projects. Embedded projects…

Unique Electrical Engineering Projects: 5 Easy Steps to Find 100+
There is a notion that it’s not always easy to find topics for electrical engineering projects. But it’s not difficult to find the best list of projects for academics. The topic that you select for the academic project has to be innovative and novel. When you start searching for a topic you might feel difficult…

Top 10 Latest Projects on Power System Protection for BTech, MTech, and PhD students
We are presenting a set of projects in one of the core areas of power systems engineering. Projects on power system protection will help you know more about the topic and learn how the systems work. Power systems in one of the core topics in electrical engineering. Power systems engineering deals with generating, transmitting, and…

Latest 400+Engineering Projects on Electric Vehicles
Would you like to do engineering projects on electric vehicles? Electric vehicles (EVs) are transforming the automotive industry and paving the way toward a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. As the demand for electric transportation continues to rise, engineering students have an excellent opportunity to explore and contribute to this exciting field through electric vehicle…

If you are looking for synchronous machine projects for your academics, you can find one here. First of all, let’s see what a synchronous machine is. Synchronous machines are a type of electrical machine widely used in various applications, including power generation, industrial processes, and electric motors. They are known for their ability to maintain…

7 Major Projects for Electrical Engineering That Opens the Door for Further Research
Electrical engineering projects for final-year engineering students are explained in this post. A hardware plus simulation project would be good for getting a high score. An important aspect of major projects for electrical engineering is to make the graduate student apply the knowledge that he/she gained during the course. Innovative ideas, creative thinking, useful project…